"We are very proud on our team of developers, designers,and quality testers because such organization and such level of quality and profession leads our company for many successful years.", Zdenko Pavic, President of Promatis, d.o.o.


Promatis is a design services company providing customer power supply designs for clients world wide. Located in 

You can download their latest information by clicking Promatis Presentation Download

Company Promatis Ltd was founded 1998 with purpose to establish and develop hardware electronic design in this part of Europe.
Promatis goals are the following areas:

- Power management
- Auto industry
- Opto-electronics
- GSM, UMTS & Wireless Technology

or visit their website


If you would like to discuss your needs with Promatis, contact Anagenesis. 

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For more information contact us at 310-662 4764 or email us at info@anagenesis-inc.com

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